Friday, March 28, 2014


1. Go to bed early-
Don't drink caffeine or alcohol with dinner as it messes with your sleep cycle, and turn off electronics an hour before bed.

2. Prepare the night before-
Lay out all your workout clothes, iPod, magazine, etc. and put a water bottle in the fridge.

3. Put your alarm in the next room-
Once you're physically out of bed, it's not that difficult to get ready and go, but hitting the snooze button on your nightstand is way too tempting.

4. Keep your playlist updated-
Or keep new reading material for the cardio machine! Little things like this keep me excited about working out because I have something to look forward to.

5. Make it a date-
This is a pretty common tip but you're less likely to cancel if a trainer or friend is waiting on you.

6. Keep it interesting-
Don't do an exercise you hate! Walk your dog, pop in a video, meet up with a girlfriend or anything that seems fun to you. If you at least enjoy it, you're less likely to sleep in.

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