Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Body Beast Legs Day 30

Alright. Here are Day 30 pics. The lighting is poor but it is what it is. Can't see a whole lot of difference but I can FEEL it. 
P.S. I look a lot darker than I really am.

Fad diets give quick results but if you want LASTING ones gotta sweat it off AND eat clean. Anything worth having isn't easy. You have to work for it. Just like a DREAM JOB or that DREAM CAR. Why not that DREAM BODY?

5 min warm up at 3.8 speed 12% incline
4 min run at 6 speed 0%
1 min sprint at 8.3 speed 0%
Repeat 2 more times 

One of my favorite songs to run to. I want to strive to get 3 miles in 30 min.

Legs later today.

Snack today.

Pushed it with legs today. 15's, 20's and 25's. I better be sore!

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