Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Story and My Journey

Here's my story from the beginning. I've always been active. As a child I played outside every chance I could get. From sun up to sun down. I remember my mom always having to call us in just to eat. One of my favorites in Elementary was of course recess AND P.E. I remember trying to out run boys or run faster than them. I always played Tether Ball, Four Square, on the bar (wrapping our sweaters around the bar and flipping over it), tag, and basketball. I was even in Jr Jazz and Soccer for a little bit.

In Jr. High I believe a fitness class was required but not 100% sure anymore. Anyway I had gym class in 7,8, and 9th grade. I tried out for Soccer in 7th grade and didn't make it. I was so sad. I even tried out for Volleyball and didn't make that either. I wasn't very good at sports but I never gave up on basketball. I also started dance class. I also remember lifting some of my step-fathers weights sometimes here and there in our backyard. So weird I know! In 9th grade I remember my calves being extremely big to the point that I could cup them in my hands. Kind of gross but I wish I had them now. Everyone always talked about my legs and I was so shy and extremely self conscious so I was always embarrassed. I remember trying out for Cheer and Dance Co. too. Never made either of those.

In 10th grade I had dance and gym class also and I remember boys always freaking out about my muscles. I didn't even realize I had triceps until a boy in one of my classes pointed them out. He was shocked to say the least. I would participate in pushups competitions against boys and I always did a ton. I remember struggling with running a mile(I have asthma) and feeling really upset at myself but I always made the required time for my age. Still, I couldn't figure out how to run as fast as the boys. Eventually 12th grade rolled around and I decided to do dance AND a weight lifting class. This was the first time I had signed up for what I thought was a class for boys. Little did I know that lifting is what gives us our shape. I ended up being about to do pull-ups, incline sit-ups, leg press, and maxed out at 110 lbs on the chest press. I even had my teacher spot me because I was so afraid the girls would drop the bar on me if I couldn't handle it. Needless to say, I was shocked at the things I could do.

I graduated high school and was so excited to be an adult that all I wanted to do was work. I didn't work out and if I did it wasn't ever structured or consistent. A couple years went by (20 yrs old) and that started to catch up to me. I only gained maybe 10-15 lbs. Not sure exactly so I dropped the weight easy. Again I got comfortable (about 21) and stopped eating well and didn't think I needed to workout. I gained was about 140 lbs and for a 5'3 person that's overweight. I started going to the gym just to pass time and I dropped 20 lbs in 3 months. I weighed prob 123-ish. I never weighed myself. Just if I went to the doctor or something. I would go to the gym 4 days a week and start off with running 20 mins each day I went. Then attended a resistance training class. I was in the best shape of my life! I was so ripped and firm. I couldn't believe it. Well that all changed when I found out I was pregnant. I was so sick everyday that it was tough to even make it to work. I started off thin but quickly gained weight. On the days I felt well I'd eat sweets and I craved soda.  I had two jobs and my second job I was an Assistant Manager at a gas station. -_- Yea, that's the mecca of unhealthy food!! Eating veggies made me so sick so I just did what I could. I would try to walk at the gym at my condo sometimes but nothing major. Eventually I started working out again and lost all the baby weight in 2-3 months. Yes, that fast because I was in great shape BEFORE I got pregnant. I was in my normal BMI but I wanted to look how I did just before becoming pregnant and I was working on it when I got pregnant with my second child. Same thing, I got super sick at first but luckily this time it went away quickly but I succumbed to every craving everyday I had one. WHAT?! Yes, I was THAT girl that gave myself excuses to eat whatever whenever. I just felt like I'd lose the weight quickly again and just enjoy the pregnancy. Well this baby messed up my tailbone so I couldn't do a decent workout for a YEAR. YEP! A year. I couldn't even sit for long periods of time. Fast forward another 6 months and I was sick and tired of being sick and tired of how I looked. I didn't realize being a Stay at Home Mom was as inactive as it is. I was used to moving a lot with working 2 jobs and physical jobs at that. I also would try to make a recipe each week that I'd find on Pinterest and we all know what recipes are on Pinterest. -_- This is where I knew I needed to make changes because I was the definition of skinny fat. I lost the baby weight but having no muscle tone, energy, bad eating habits, little sleep started to add up. I realized no matter what I ate I'd gain weight. I'd lose a couple pounds just to add them again. Every day. This year I made it my resolution to change my life. Not just be fit but to eat better as well. I've learned so much from following people on Facebook, Instagram and research.

Here are some of the changes I've made to get from Jan 2013 to this moment, today. Most of these changes have been consistent from July 2013 to now.
-I don't make the recipes I see on Pinterest
-I try to drink a gallon (128 oz) of water a day. Before I would barely drink 24-64 oz. I'm always peeing!
-I'd drink soda but only socially. Whenever my family would be eating out at a restaurant or a fast food joint. Now I just drink water. Even when we're at restaurants or fast food joints, I'll ask for a water cup.
-I don't drink alcohol (stopped that after having children)
-If I drink anything besides water it's tea, almond milk, or fat-free milk
-I only drink almond milk in my protein shakes
-I drink a protein shake 30 min after my workouts. I also count it as a meal or a snack.
-I only drink milk if I eat cereal but I don't eat cereal everyday like I used to, only occasionally. I no longer eat the sugary kind.
-I eat 4-6 small meals a day.
-I use MyFitnessPal app. It's opened my eyes to how many calories are in foods and how fast they can easily add up. It's a pain at first to add things in but it keeps track of your frequent items so it's super easy or you could simply scan the item.
-I am mindful of serving sizes and stick to them.
-I try to keep my meals between 200-350 calories
-For snacks I keep them to 100-200 calories
-For breakfast I eat eggs, oatmeal, a piece of toast, fruit, or oat bran (like oatmeal)
-I try to incorporate protein (chicken, turkey, turkey burger, protein bars/powders, tuna and eggs), carbs (rice, fruits, veggies, whole wheat), and HEALTHY fats (avocado, nuts, nut butters, cheese, and olive oil) into each meal.
-I will add veggies anyway I can (cucumber or carrots as a snack- no dipping sauce, onions to burgers, peppers to sauces or eggs, or as a side at dinner- broccoli, asparagus, or sweet potatoes.)
-If I can substitute bread for something than I will because they tend to be high in calories. Instead of a tuna sandwich you could use cucumbers as the bread. Or you can have ground turkey tacos with lettuce wraps instead of tortillas. The veggies are lower in calories so you can eat more of those and they fill you up!
-I don't cut out carbs. I eat bread, oats, fruits, veggies, tortillas, rice, etc. They just don't fill me as much.
- I don't eat WHITE carbs like white rice, white bread, white sugar.
-I don't eat sweets hardly at all
-If I'm craving cookies I'll eat graham crackers, or dark chocolate
-I have 1-2 cheat meals a week
-A cheat meal isn't always a fast food joint. I have a black bean quesadilla, veggie pizza, ground turkey burger tacos with our own seasoning, strawberries with dark chocolate syrup, frozen yogurt instead of ice cream (tastes just like ice cream), protein pancakes with sugar free syrup, etc.
-If we do go out to a restaurant sometimes the hubs and I will split and appetizer AND the entree.
-My favorite snacks are apples w/ PB2 AND granola, and protein shakes WITH FROZEN strawberries.
-My favorite cheats are quesadillas, frozen yogurt, or pancakes.

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