Wednesday, February 26, 2014

5 Day Healthy Eating Challenge

Something new and unknown is always scary. Especially if you're afraid of being unsuccessful but give yourself a chance. Prove YOURSELF wrong. 

I am hosting a 5-DAY CLEAN EATING CHALLENGE GROUP on Monday, March 10th

You'll receive:
√ Free coaching
√ Private peer support
√ Free 5-day meal plan
√ And free online workout to Debbie Siebers or Tony Horton.

Message me for more details on how to get started. Only 1 sample pack per customer! when you purchase your Shakeology Sample Pack of 4 for $19.99!
If you are looking for a way to jump start your weightloss or start healthy eating but don't know how to start, I would love to have you join us in this journey!

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