Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fit Tip: Take a walk during lunch

Let's be honest. Moving > not moving. But, if you're like most Americans, you spend an average of 56 hours a week just sitting. In fact, hours probably go by without you having moved from your desk. Or the couch.

I didn't believe it either, but then I spent a couple days wearing a Fitbit Flex and lo and behold, I noticed that if I didn't make a concerted effort to get up and walk around, I would clock in less than 1000 steps before 3pm. Combine that with going out to dinner or binge-watching shows after work and that makes for not much movement. Even if I did my daily workout.

In fact, sitting that much - even if you are working out daily - can be very harmful to your health. A recent studyrevealed that sitting for more than 6 hours a day can result in an early death. They're not yet sure why, but one of the study's authors told Harvard's health blog that "Even if you are doing the recommended amount of moderate to vigorous exercise, you will still have a higher risk of mortality if you’re spending too many hours sitting.” So get up.

If you can, set an alarm for yourself so you get up and walk around for 5 minutes every hour. It doesn't matter if you're walking up and down the internal stairs at your office or home or if you're walking to your car and back. Just make it happen.

Then, at lunch, take some time for an extended walk. Now that spring is here, it's warm enough to get out and walk. If it's raining, do a longer walk inside your building or head to a nearby mall (or other large indoor space) and do a couple laps.

Need some walking inspiration? Add Passion Pit's "Take a Walk" to your playlist.


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